Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ayil Meshulash

The איל is משולש, that is, divided into three parts, the 420 part, the 288 part, and the 464 (16*29) part:

10! + 15^2 = (15*127)^2
14! + 420^2 = (420*703)^2

11! + 18^2 = (18*351)^2
13! + 288^2 = (288*274)^2

15! + (16*29)^2 = (16*71471)^2
16! + (64*29)^2 = (64*71471)^2

The first part starts in the year 5366, and ends in year 6069. It is related to the Sephira of Chochma. The length is 703 years.

The second part, related to the Sephira of Bina, starts in year 5501 and ends in year 5852, one year after the Yovel year. The length is 351, about the same as 703/2, years.

What starts must end, where there is birth there must be death.

The third part is different. There is no conjugate number here, but there are two prime numbers. The third part accounts for the whole history of the world. Its beginning is thus a singularity, and its end is in a different kind of singularity, in 5796. This is related to the Sephira of Keter.

כִּי לֹא הַרְבֵּה, יִזְכֹּר אֶת-יְמֵי חַיָּיו: כִּי הָאֱלֹהִים מַעֲנֶה, בְּשִׂמְחַת לִבּוֹ
(Kohelet 5:19)